What pictures did I miss this morning as the result of not being quick enough to point and shoot or because I had a dog on the leash who wanted to go in a different direction right at the moment I was focusing in on a bird or plant? Here is today's list:
1. Flock of Canada geese: The city worker was mowing the large field where the Canada geese hang out and caused them to fly right at me - wonderful photo op. However, I missed the shot because I was standing there holding a bag while Sadie was depositing that which was to be placed in the bag.
2. Mallard Couple: A pastoral photo of a mallard couple was interrupted when Sadie decided to take a step or two towards them. The mallards didn't bolt and fly away; they just walked into the woods.
3. Perfectly Lighted Daffodil: I was focused in on the lovely flower when all of a sudden a dog's paw (I won't mention who the owner of that paw is) landed squarely right on top of the flower turning it into a less than perfect plant.
4. Small Sparrows in a bush: (see #2 above).
Disappointed? Angry? Depressed?
Not at all. There will always be more geese, ducks, flowers and sparrows, but there is only one Sadie. That "once in a lifetime" shot will happen again; the time spent with Sadie on the Riverwalk is priceless.
It was another beautiful morning on the Riverwalk.
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