(APRIL 28, 2010) Here's a fish story. This actually happened this morning.
These two fishermen were walking toward the river in the woods near Dan Daniel Park. They saw us walking on the path and stopped at the picnic table before going down to the river. I told Sadie to sit to let the men by, but they sat at the picnic table.
"What you got there?" one of the fishermen asked.
"This is Sadie. She's an English setter," I responded.

I told the man that I didn't hunt, but Sadie was a full-bred setter.
He said, "I had this friend who had an English setter. That dog was amazing. We took the dog out to hunt quail, and that dog would chase quail into a hole and then sit on the hole, releasing the quail one at a time."
I said, "They are amazing, that's for sure," nodding as if to believe that story.
We chatted a few minutes more, and then we headed back to the car.
On the river, in the morning, there is a variety of people. There are men and women, old and young, fit and unfit, people of all races and religions, people of all educational levels, walkers, joggers, runners, bicyclists, skaters, bird watchers, river watchers, and people watchers, and those who just walk, run, or jog.
One gentleman I see often when I walk in the morning told me this morning that he had done pretty well in his lifetime with just a GED. He is one of the smartest and friendliest men I know. He is full of wisdom and wit. On the way back, we passed him again. As we passed, he said, "Oh, I didn't mention to you that I have a degree in BS." I said, "I knew that from the first time we talked." He then pointed out to me a goose nesting in a tree (unusual sight), and then he walked on.
There is the lady who came to America from Germany and now has a small Pekingese rescue dog named, Lucky. Lucky and Sadie enjoy sniffing and playing as the two of us chat. An entourage of four women pass us in the morning. They are each carrying walking sticks and comment about Sadie. There used to be just three of the women, but one of the ladies isn't walking any more, and the group picked up two more ladies. They are very pleasant to talk with.
There is the sometimes walker, sometimes biker named Jerry. He offers a friendly greeting each morning as he rolls past us on his bike or passes us as he walks. Another fellow suffered greatly from allergies earlier in the spring and wore a mask as he walked along the trail. There are other regulars - the retired principal, the lady who works at Public Works but gets to work early to walk the trail, the two gentlemen who walk together, always talking about something to each other - seems they will never run out of things to talk about, my colleague who runs many, many miles each day, some of which is on the Riverwalk, the man who is trying to get welding training to become a welder . . . the list goes on with those who walk the trail in the morning. Of course, this is only on a small portion of the trail Sadie and I walk. We have walked on other parts in the morning and, of course, see different people. And, then, there are those we meet whom we have never met before - like the fishermen - who often tell their story or chat briefly before moving on to whatever their purpose is on the Riverwalk.
Oh, yeah. As you can see from the picture posted. These photos were all taken this morning. There is a great deal of variety among the flora and fauna as well as among the people on the Riveralk.
It was another cool, but beautiful morning on the Riverwalk.
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