(MAY 3, 2010) "Not Much to See," was my thought as I left Angler's Park this morning, cutting my walk short because I had to go out of town. Although I had taken over 140 pictures, they were of the same birds that hang out at the marsh there - mallards, killdeer, and red-winged blackbirds. Even the occasional heron, egret, Canada goose, sandpiper or other passing bird wasn't seen there - just the mallards, killdeer, and red-winged blackbird.
When I went back to look at my pictures, I realized how untrue that statement was: "Not Much to See." I had seen nature, as I see it every morning, in the raw. There were two male mallards doing their "war dance" to win over the single female mallard; there was the killdeer in the field, scampering deeper into the field as we walked closer, and there was the beautiful male red-winged blackbird coaxing the not so brilliant colored female red-winged blackbird. At Angler's Park this morning there was conflict, there was indecision, and there was love. All of the elements of a good story had surrounded me th

"Not Much to See?" Give me a break. I saw more this morning before 8:00 than many get to see in an entire day. Such conflict, indecision, and love may be found on television, but to see it in the raw, as I did this morning, is much more rewarding.
It was another good day on the Riverwalk.
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